How to Become A Better Ice Skater: Learn to Set Goals and Track Your Skating Development

Ice skating is a rewarding, enjoyable activity that will provide you with tons of physical and mental health benefits. It’s a fun and sometimes intense activity, especially when you’re working to become a better ice skater. Mastering the art of ice skating can take a while, which is why it’s important to have realistic expectations, set achievable goals for yourself, and have fun during the learning process. Throughout this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps beginners and experts alike can take to continue improving their skills.
Realistic Expectations & Achievable Goals
Feeling passionate about ice skating can help push you toward success, but that passion should be tempered with realistic expectations. Adults at a beginner level take 8-10 weeks to learn the basics of ice skating, while children generally pick up the necessary skills a bit quicker, between 4-8 weeks.
Along with keeping realistic expectations in mind, you’ll want to set achievable goals for yourself. Breaking your main goal into small, easily reachable pieces will help you identify your progress as you improve and keep you motivated.
You’ll need to be open to incorporating feedback from coaches and experienced skaters. Focus on learning the fundamentals of skating first, and then look into practicing other techniques and tips your coaches recommend.
Stay Active off the Ice
It’s essential to remember that ice skating requires a certain level of physical fitness. To become a better ice skater, you need to make time to stay active during your everyday life. Many people take skating lessons once a week, and it would hurt your progress to be inactive for the rest of the week.
Practice proper posture and movements in your downtime, and make time each day to stretch your muscles. Get in some extra cardio when you can. This will help you feel more in tune with your body, and when you practice often, you’ll gain the benefits from your effort much more quickly.
Remain Positive & Open to Feedback
Say you’ve set a reasonable goal, remained active off the ice, and taken the advice of your coaches into account, but you’re still struggling to perfect your spiral or single Axel. That’s okay! Everyone learns at their own pace, and while it’s understandable to be frustrated, it’s important not to get discouraged.
Struggling to reach your goals is a sign that you need to change up your learning process. Perhaps you need more time to practice, or maybe it’s time to transition from group classes to individual instruction. There are tons of skating programs to choose from, and if you feel as though you aren’t reaching your full potential with the one you’re currently enrolled in, don’t be afraid to look into other options.
Another helpful tip is to connect more with other ice skaters. Speak with the people in your classes, join online forums, and discuss your struggles. You’ll get plenty of advice, encouragement, and tricks to help you succeed.
Use the Proper Equipment
One of the biggest mistakes a beginner can make in this field is using equipment that isn’t right for them. Along with the necessary safety equipment (helmet, pads, etc.), you need to make sure you find the right ice skates.
Finding the best ice skates for beginners requires finding skates that are made of good materials, have high-qualityblades, and fit properly. Skates that are too large or too small will hinder your abilities on the ice and increase the risk of an injury that could set you back months.
Even if you’re unsure whether ice skating is something you want to pursue long-term, it’s important to invest in a quality pair of skates. They’ll set the tone for your lessons and play a large role in how quickly you become comfortable on the ice.
How To Be a Better Ice Skater? 5 Easy Tips!
We’ve discussed several elements for becoming a better ice skater, and there are five main tips you should keep in mind when working to improve your skills. To become a better ice skater, always:
- Set realistic expectations and achievable goals. Don’t overwhelm yourself by trying to learn too much too fast or by comparing your progress to others. Everyone learns at their own pace, and there are a ton of variables like age, athletic ability, and diet that determine how quickly a person learns and improves.
- Stay active off the ice. Ice skating is a very physical activity, and you need to train your body to get used to this level of intense activity. Practice your posture and movements on your days off. Stretch your muscles and get in a little exercise every day to condition your body.
- Remain positive and open to feedback. Sometimes life gets in the way, and you don’t reach your goals as quickly as you’d like. That’s okay! Listen to your coaches and connect with other skaters to learn more tips and tricks to help you succeed.
- Use the proper equipment. You need to invest in a proper pair of skates that fit, have quality blades, and are made of high quality material, even at a beginner level. This can make all the difference in your development!
- Practice, practice, practice! Skating is a learned skill that requires a ton of practice. You wouldn’t expect to pick up a clarinet and become an expert after a few weeks of training, right? Skating is exactly the same. Keep practicing, even in your off times, and you’ll see yourself improving quickly.