How To Not Get Dizzy When Spinning

One of the allures of ice skating is the ability to perform complicated and intense moves flawlessly. It’s fascinating to watch experienced performers spin and spin on the ice without even the slightest wobble. But it also raises the question- how are they spinning so swiftly and quickly without getting dizzy?
We’ve all experienced that intense wave of vertigo after going on a ride that spins us around or while playing as children. Spinning can leave you feeling disoriented and dizzy. Sometimes, the feeling is so intense that you worry you’ll fall over or be sick. So, how are professional athletes like figure skaters able to deal with this sensation?
Do Figure Skaters Get Dizzy?
It’s easy to become captivated watching figure skaters perform upright spins, camel spins, and sit spins without hesitation. You might feel a sense of awe and wonder how they manage to move seamlessly between spins, jumps, and other moves without stumbling from dizziness.
But many skaters have struggled with the sensation of dizziness while spinning. As skaters learn to perfect their technique and adjust to the experience, most figure skaters feel dizzy during or after a spin. However, with the right guidance and plenty of practice, they’re able to overcome this sensation.
How To Not Get Dizzy While Spinning
Perhaps you’ve always been interested in figure skating, or you’re new to the sport and still learning to adjust. One of the first questions you might ask yourself is how to spin without getting dizzy.
Most experienced figure skaters will tell you that they got used to the sensation using advanced methods like vestibular training, or balance trainging. While that’s true, there are more techniques to help prevent that uncomfortable feeling while performing on the ice.
One of the best tips experienced skaters can give new athletes is this: practice, practice, and more practice! Your practice on the ice is only one component of the routine you should follow to get yourself accustomed to spinning without getting dizzy. Make sure you put as many hours into training off the ice as you do in the rink.
Another helpful piece of advice is to maintain a uniform speed. You must learn to control your spin and keep it at a constant speed. You may still experience some dizziness when you accelerate or slow down, but during the spin itself, you’ll feel cool as a cucumber.
Another good method for how to not get dizzy when ice skating involves keeping your feet in one spot when possible. When you center your spin and avoid moving across the ice during a spin, it will help you keep your equilibrium and avoid feeling dizzy.
How To Stop Feeling Dizzy After Spinning
Despite these tips and methods, it’s not uncommon for figure skaters to experience some dizziness when accelerating or slowing down. Thankfully, there are ways to manage this sensation and keep yourself feeling balanced.
First, let’s quickly address what causes us to feel dizzy when spinning. Our ears are filled with fluid, and when you spin around quickly, the fluid moves really fast, too. The movement of the fluid as you begin to spin is what causes you to start feeling dizzy at first. Then, as you stop spinning, the fluid in your ears continues moving even though your head has stopped. This tricks your brain into thinking you’re now spinning in the opposite direction, which causes that unpleasant dizzy sensation.
To combat this, many athletes, like dancers, will have a fixed point for their eyes to lock onto when they slow down or come out of a spin. Fixing their sight on a landmark helps them orient themselves even though the fluid in their ears keeps moving.
This is a technique known as “spotting.” It can be very helpful for some athletes, but it’s not recommended for figure skaters. The jumps and spins performed by figure skaters are too fast to do this safely, and attempting to spot could cause you to hurt your neck.
Instead, it’s important to focus on your practice both on and off the ice. Many professional figure skaters have said they still feel the rotations while spinning, but they’ve trained themselves to become accustomed to the sensation so it doesn’t interfere with their performance.
The key is to focus on your routine and rely on your body to guide you through the movements, as it’s done a hundred times during practice. Dizziness can feel overwhelming at first, but it’s something you’ll learn to work through over time. When preparing for a competition, remember to rely on your training. If you feel the sensation creeping up on you, breathe deeply and focus on your routine.
When you practice frequently enough, not only do you become used to the sensation, but you also develop helpful muscle memory that guides you through your routine, even when you experience some discomfort.
Make Practice Better With Riedell
When you’re on the ice, prepping for a competition or learning a new move, it’s important to have the right equipment. We offer a variety of skates and accessories designed to give every skater the tools they need to put their best foot forward on the ice. Don’t let the fear of feeling dizzy get the best of you! Get in as much practice as you can- and do it with the best skates on the market!