Kiri Baga and Kate Charbonneau: Friends On and Off the Ice
Riedell skaters Kate Charbonneau and Kiri Baga are not only competitors on the ice; they are close friends off the ice. Both discovered a passion for skating at a young age, and when Kiri was ready to take her skating to the next level, she turned to coach Lorie Charbonneau, Kate’s mom and coach. As Kiri and Kate began spending countless hours together at the rink, their friendship grew. Today they share a coach, time on the ice, ballet and Pilates classes and attend an online high school together. Most importantly, the skaters cheer each other on through every performance and practice—just like a friend should.
Read more about Kiri and Kate’s friendship, as well as their upcoming competitions, on the Star Tribune Newspaper website.
Have you made a lot of friends through ice skating? Tell us about your friendships—on and off the ice.