Gift Ideas for Your Figure Skating Coach This Holiday Season

Written By: Riedell | December 7, 2023

It’s that time of year again! As you stroll through the aisles of your favorite big box store, holiday music fills the air, creating a backdrop for the familiar and comforting scents of pumpkin spice, apple, and cinnamon. The end-of-year cheer follows you through the store as you run through a mental checklist of all the special people you’d like to thank.

Your figure skating coach is probably at the top of your list. After all, they’ve been your guidepost, helping you navigate the nuances of this sport, giving you advice when you’ve faltered, and cheering you on when you’ve exceeded your expectations.

Finding the perfect gift for someone is never easy, but we’re here to help you brainstorm. Here are some thoughtful figure skating coach gift ideas you’ll want to consider this holiday season.

Parents of Young Skaters

Perhaps you have a little one in the Snowplow Sam program, and you want to thank their coach for all their dedication. Coaches of young children not only have the responsibility of teaching basic skills, but they also need to be like elementary school teachers. They need unending patience and empathy and the ability to show young ones how much fun they can have while figure skating!

Having your child create something to give their coach is an excellent way to show just how much they’re appreciated. Your child could make a card, paint a picture, write a story, create a figure skating model with modeling clay, or use their creativity in other ways to create a sweet and heartfelt gift.

A gift card to a local coffee shop is a classic gift and a good way to show you appreciate all the time and energy the coach has put in while working with your child. You could even pair it with an insulated bottle to help keep their coffee warm while at the rink.

Considering how much patience it takes to work with young ones, a nice Zen garden or a relaxing scented candle could also be a thoughtful and amusing option.

Personalized Figure Skating Coach Gifts

As you get older and grow with your coach, a tight bond is formed. Skaters spend hours on the ice working to perfect their techniques, and your coach is often your biggest supporter. Finding a personalized gift is an excellent way to show how deeply you appreciate them.

Take some time to consider what you know about your coach’s likes and dislikes. If they enjoy jewelry, then an engraved necklace or bracelet could make a charming and thoughtful gift. Perhaps they have an excellent sense of humor– in which case, consider putting together a coach’s “survival kit” with instant hand warmers, lip balm, throat lozenges (for all the time they spend issuing instructions), and a good luck charm. 

Or maybe you’d like to offer them a visual reminder of how much figure skating has come to mean to you. Putting together a video montage of your favorite moments or a photo book is a great way to show how much you appreciate the time you’ve spent together.

You know your coach best, so finding a personalized gift will really come down to preferences. Here are some other ideas to inspire you:

  • Artwork in a style they like
  • A new book by a favorite author
  • A personalized playlist
  • A custom diary or planner in a theme they like
  • A monogrammed jacket

Competitive Skaters 

Skaters that are competing at a high level have a very close bond with their coach. You’ve been through it all together and made it to the highest level of figure skating through a lot of hard work, determination, and hours spent together. 

In this case, you might like to get your coach a more celebratory gift to show your appreciation and celebrate your successes. There are tons of options, and here are a few to get you started:

  • Engraved Watch: Consider gifting a high-quality watch with a special date engraved on the back.
  • Memory Book: The years fly by, and it’s easy for our memories to fade as time passes. Consider putting together a memory book for your coach filled with photos from important events and practices. You can even write short captions next to the pictures detailing your favorite memory with your coach!
  • Luxury Bag: Whether a skating bag or a handbag, getting something high-end for your coach (and perhaps monogrammed with their name) is a thoughtful way to show you appreciate their dedication.

Find A Figure Skating Coach Gift With Riedell

We hope this helped you find the perfect gift for your coach! Whether you’re the parent of a young skater, an Olympic skater yourself, or somewhere in between, there are plenty of excellent gift ideas that will make your coach feel appreciated this holiday season. Make sure to browse through our products for the perfect gift idea..